
Hampton’s more than 400-year African American historic sites tell a powerful story of perseverance, heritage and pride. The first Africans brought to English North America landed in 1619 at Point Comfort, modern day Fort Monroe. These first “20 and odd” Africans were captured in West Central Africa, present-day Angola. 

Today, visitors can visit the landing site and the Fort Monroe Visitor & Education Center to pay homage and learn about the history of 1619. Also visit our African American heritage sites and learn about the Contraband Decision during the Civil War, experience the majesty of the Emancipation Oak; view the oldest African American museum in the country at Hampton University and hear the stories of African Americans who changed the course of American history. The final resting place for generations of the William Tucker Family. William Tucker was the first recorded child of African descent born in English North America. He was the son of Anthony and Isabella, who were among the first “twenty and odd” African to arrive at Point Comfort aboard the White Lion in 1619.